My name is Scott McCormick and I am an Infrastructure/Cloud Engineer here at Nimbus.
Before joining Nimbus, I worked in various Hardware support roles over the years where I saw a rapid change in the IT industry which give me the desire to get some Cloud-based Knowledge.
Nimbus are a small family run company which I love as everyone feels valued. During my interview with Alan Hazell and Aidan McCormack, the role and company were described to me exactly how it is, which is everything I was looking for as the whole vision of what Alan wants for the company really interests me.
Since joining Nimbus in March 2023, I have found everyone to be very supportive of each other which is fantastic. We meet up every 3 months with the whole Nimbus team and endeavour on fun team building activities.
Here at Nimbus, we are supported in our personal development with any training courses we wish to complete. I have found that my past experience can be very helpful at times however, along the way I am learning new skills.